Recently, CNN Travel published an article about the most expensive bowl of pho in Vietnam. Described as not your typical bowl of pho, it is made with high-quality ingredients such as Wagyu beef, truffle mushrooms, goose liver, and topped with edible gold leaf. The dish also includes duck fat to enhance its richness.
One of the key components of the flavorful pho is the slow-cooked broth, simmered for 48 hours. This special bowl of pho costs 170 USD (approximately 4.1 million VND) and only 5 bowls are served each day.
The dish is served at a restaurant located at the top of the tallest building in Vietnam. Despite using premium imported ingredients, Chef Trung follows traditional cooking methods of gently simmering bone marrow and beef tails, along with spices like cinnamon and star anise to create a rich and exquisite flavor.
“We strive to elevate the taste of this dish to make it truly luxurious and a top-notch cuisine,” the chef said about his culinary creativity. The addition of gold leaves enhances the visual appeal of the dish, setting it apart from the ordinary bowls of pho.
Pho is renowned as one of Vietnam’s most famous dishes, often referred to as the country’s “national soul.” It can be found in eateries ranging from humble street stalls to high-end restaurants across the country.
“While a regular bowl of pho typically costs between 1.5 to 3 USD (35,000 to 70,000 VND), the luxury pho at the tallest building in Vietnam costs at least 50 times more,” CNN Travel described. Chef Trung believes he has created the “most enticing bowl of pho in the world.”
“We aim to elevate traditional cuisine to new heights of sophistication and elegance, transcending the boundaries of Vietnamese cuisine,” the chef shared.
Trên đây là tất cả các thông tin về ” Báo Mỹ nói gì về bát phở Việt dùng nguyên liệu ngoại nhập giá 4 triệu đồng?” mà Greenpineresort mang đến . Chúc quý độc giả luôn vui vẻ và tràn ngập tình yêu trong cuộc sống. Hãy ghé thăm Greenpineresort một ngày thật sớm bạn nhé!
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